Provide safe and
healthy AIR for:


Breathe Clean, Pure Air with
AirDoctor’s Advanced Air Purifiers

Improve employee productivity, well-being, reduce sick days and improve your bottom line with AirDoctor

Why Choose AirDoctor for Your Office?

Superior Filtration Technology

AirDoctor’s UltraHEPA® filter has been independently tested to capture 99.99% of ultra-fine particles down to .003 microns, 100 times smaller than the HEPA standard. Plus, it has been proven to remove 99.97% of the COVID-19 virus.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

AirDoctor’s advanced air purifiers capture and remove pollutants like dust, pollen, mold spores, smoke, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses from the air. Its dual-action Carbon/Gas Trap/VOC filter also captures toxic gasses, odors, and volatile organic compounds.

Quiet Performance

Experience clean and pure air without any noise disruption, allowing you and your colleagues to work in a peaceful and productive atmosphere. With AirDoctor, you can enjoy the benefits of clean air without sacrificing the serenity of your office space.

Convenience and Peace of Mind

AirDoctor’s Auto-Mode uses a professional grade air quality sensor to assess the air quality in the room and immediately adjusts to the correct level of filtration to ensure optimal air quality.

Contact Us Today!

Get ready to transform your business with AirDoctor’s advanced air purifiers. Elevate well-being, productivity, and success while fostering a healthier environment for everyone in your office.


Indoor air quality can be up to 100x more polluted than outdoor air

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Average cost per employee per year spent by employers on sick leave.

Integrated Benefits Institute –

Invisible Enemies

Here are a few of the harmful contaminants AirDoctor is always on the hunt for. When it detects something unsafe, it kicks into high gear and kicks them out of your environment

Proven to Purify and Protect Against Invisible Enemies

Which Purifier is Right for Your Business?



